
The smell of exotic lands, as well as home

Vanilla pods are an indispensable ingredient in chocolate, ice cream and cakes. The spice has been known to the people of Mexico since ancient times. The Toltecs and Aztecs called it the “black pod”. They used it as an ingredient in energy drinks made from cocoa beans and took it as a medicine and a tonic. Vanilla pods come from an orchid of the genus Vanilla which climbs as a vine on trees to a height of up to two metres. It’s native to tropical America.

Health benefits:

  • Vanilla stimulates heart activity and activates the organism.
  • It helps reduce fever.
  • It’s a natural antidepressant that relieves anxiety, calms the mind and helps with insomnia and lack of appetite.
  • Some people believe it’s an aphrodisiac.

Vitamins and minerals: Contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6. Its mineral content includes manganese, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc and copper.

Country of origin: Mexico


The snack of Olympic champions

The date, packed with energy, minerals and vitamins, comes from Mesopotamia, where it has been grown since at least 3000 BCE. Many athletes know that dates are the perfect source of everything you need for peak physical performance. They have the highest energy value of all fruits! They grow on palms in subtropical deserts. Thanks to their great durability and carbohydrate content (up to 50%), the Bedouins have long used them as a quick and rich source of nutrients in the desert. They’re the ideal food for physical fatigue.

Health benefits:

  • Despite their sweetness, dates do not raise blood glucose levels and help prevent arterial blockages.
  • They’re excellent for replenishing energy during physical activity.
  • They help with the transfer of oxygen in the blood and relieve stomach cramps.
  • Dates lower blood pressure.
  • Eating dates is beneficial for your skin, hair, bones and teeth.

Vitamins and minerals: Dates contain many different amino acids. They are a rich source of magnesium, potassium, chlorine, iron and vitamins A, B and D.

Country of origin: Morocco